Crochet 101: How to make Double Crochet Stitch

Double Crochet Stitch (DC) –  is another common stitch used in crochet in which height is double of that single crochet stitches. Stitches made with double crochet are best for wearable like shawls, home decors, afghans and many more. The term might be different when you are in the UK. Double crochet in US isContinue reading “Crochet 101: How to make Double Crochet Stitch”

Crochet 101: How to make DC3Tog Cluster

Crochet 101: How to make Double Crochet 3 Stitch Together Cluster or DC3Tog Double Crochet 3 Together Stitch (DC3Tog) – is a decorative cluster stitch which is very useful to most of crochet projects. It yields a triangular cluster which which creates a really nice texture. It is mostly used in making squares. It’s textured look make itContinue reading “Crochet 101: How to make DC3Tog Cluster”

Crochet 101: How to make Single Crochet Stitch

Crochet 101: How to make Single Crochet Stitch Single Crochet Stitch (SC) – is the most basic of the foundation stitches in crochet. I called this the “essential stitch” for amigurumi making. It is because amigurumi crochet creations are base and made with single crochet stitches worked in rounds. It is a very simple stitch, and easy to make. Rows ofContinue reading “Crochet 101: How to make Single Crochet Stitch”

Crochet 101: How to make Chain Stitches

Crochet 101: How to make Chain Stitches Chain (CH) – usually begins with a slip knot. It is a basic stitch in crochet which is the foundation of other crochet stitches. A pattern of a project will usually begins with chains. Most of the times, when you begin a new row, you first make a chain. You canContinue reading “Crochet 101: How to make Chain Stitches”

Crochet 101: How to make a Slip Knot

Crochet 101: How to make a Slip Knot Slip Stitch / Slip Knot (Sl st) – a knot is a loop on the hook before you start making chain foundation stitches. It doesn’t actually count as a stitch. It can be used in many different ways. It could be use to join stitches when working in roundContinue reading “Crochet 101: How to make a Slip Knot”

How to turn your Doll’s hair from Straight to Curly

A post just to have a break from my crochet 101 tutorials. When you are an amigurumi maker, you can help it but you need to make something amigurumi, hehe. I love little dolls! With my continuing search in Ravelry, I found this cute Little Dolly by Uljana Semikrasa. She’s so cute, I can’t help but startedContinue reading “How to turn your Doll’s hair from Straight to Curly”

Crochet 101: Basic Stitches

From my last post, I give you an introduction about crochet and what tools you need to start this hobby. I also posted some tips on how to hold your yarn when you crochet. Today I want to explain and teach to you some of the basic stitches that are used in crochet. Most especiallyContinue reading “Crochet 101: Basic Stitches”

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